Westwood Medical Communications Testimonials

Communicating the full extent of medical injuries or treatment at trial is best done with powerful, accurate medical illustrations. Bill Westwood is the best medical illustrator we have used. He works closely with us to present exactly what we are trying to communicate to a jury.

All of our physician experts love his work and often want copies of his drawings for their own libraries.

Andrew Finkelstein, Esq.
Finkelstein & Partners

In a recent medical malpractice action involving an emergency room doctor’s failure to properly diagnose and treat a mini stroke, Bill’s work was instrumental in enabling us to obtain a favorable verdict. The case was extremely complicated from both a liability and causation point of view. Bill was extremely patient in working with our staff until we had boiled the illustrations down to four boards which allowed us to simply and elegantly explain the issues to the jury. These illustrations became the centerpiece for presenting the case. Bill has my unqualified recommendation for his fine work.

D.J. Weis, Esq.
Habush Habush & Rottier

Bill…of all the individuals and companies my firm has used for medical illustrations over many years, yours is the absolute best. The combination of your medical training and knowledge and artistic talent, results in extremely persuasive and effective demonstrative exhibits. My medical experts need only follow your clear and understandable illustrations to present a cogent and meaningful direct examination. Your willingness to actually deal with the experts and doctors directly, served to greatly benefit my clients and their cases.

Ken Oliver, Esq.
Finkelstein & Partners

Bill…wanted to let you know that I retried the case last in November and clicked for $550,000 plus $120,000 in stipulated economic costs. Your illustrations were terrific and this Jury got it. I don’t need to tell you but will that you are a one of a kind pro.

John H. Pennock, Jr., Esq.
Pennock Law Firm, PLLC

Bill Westwood is one of the best medical illustrators I have worked with. His drawings have been extremely valuable in every legal case I have worked on with him. He has an excellent grasp of anatomy and physiology, far better than most illustrators I have ever met. When there has been a need for rapid turnaround, Bill has always come through in record time.

Scott B. Berger, M.D., Ph.D.
Neuroradiologist (testifying expert)

Bill Westwood is my go-to consultant for customized trial exhibits. Bill is a board certified medical illustrator, who takes the time to collaborate with you and trouble-shoot ideas to create the most compelling courtroom exhibits, including medical illustrations, models or computer animations. Bill’s fees are fair, his turn-around time is quick and his technology skills and medical knowledge are top shelf.

John Fisher, Esq.
New York Injury & Malpractice Law Firm, P.C.

We have used Bill in all types of cases. I cannot stress how significant his contributions have been to us in med mal cases – he brings a unique perspective on the anatomy, injuries and surgeries that you do not get from your medical experts.

Elizabeth Graziane, Esq.
Conway & Kirby

Bill….Happy to advise that, in no small part due to your efforts, I was able to settle our catastrophic injury case on Tuesday. I am sure it won’t surprise you that it was likely the largest settlement for a single event injury case in the State of New York.

It is always a pleasure working with you as I know I never have to worry about the quality of the work or you meeting the deadlines you promise. You’re the best!!

Andrew Finkelstein, Esq.
Finkelstein & Partners

Bill…your recent consulting with me and the medical illustrations you produced on the Supreme Court matter that was settled for over one million dollars reminds me of how invaluable your participation is and has been over the many years we have worked together.

All your expertise and skill manifests itself in more than just your exhibits. You are able to explain medical better than most doctors and give me a better platform from which to prepare and then elicit testimony from medical professionals.

James W. Bendall, Esq.
Bendall & Mednick

Even attorneys who feel well versed in a given aspect area of anatomy or surgery are surprised at how much more they can learn about their client’s injuries when working with me.

William Westwood, MS, CMI

The exhibits that Bill has created for me have been a significant factor in achieving a $19 million dollar verdict as well as two recoveries over $5 million and several more multi million dollar results.

Michael W. Kessler, Esq.
Hacker Murphy, LLP